Monday, March 18, 2019

Televisions Effect on Self Image Essay -- Beauty Media

New mirrors are in the market and many homes hand been remodeled with these mirrors. These new mirror are like snow whites mirror, they tell you who the most beautiful one of all is. A little girl is aspect at her new mirror that tells her she has to wear makeup and look a certain look in order to be beautiful. This new mirror is the TV and the voice that is telling her is the media. The media portrays the lulu of women a certain way that is distorting beauty. The media distorts image so much that women start to see an unrealistic beauty and think that all women should actually look that way. An experiment done by Mahler Beckerley and Vogel (2010) demonstrate that womens attitudes ab erupt certain looks reflect on how they take hold of the models. There were two groups of women and some saying photos of models that were tanned and the other saw models that were not tanned. The participants then were told to describe their attitude about tanning. The group of women that viewed m odels that had a tan had a more positive attitude toward tans and the group of women that viewed models with out a tan had a negative attitude towards tanning. This research demonstrates that the media has a big influence in the decision women make on their appearance. So what is beauty? Is beauty the perfect supermodel on a magazine? Is it the immobilize actress on television? Do you have to be thin and exalted? According to Unabridged, beauty is the quality present in a matter or person that gives intense pleasure or deep gratification to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest). However, the m... ...10.1080/14680770903068266Mahler, H. M., Beckerley, S. E., & Vogel, M. T. (2010). Effects of Media Images onAttitudes Toward Tanning. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 32(2), 118-127.Slater, A., Tiggemann, M ., Firth, B., & Hawkins, K. (2012). Reality Check AnExperimental investigation of the Addition of Warning Labels to FashionMagazine Images on Womens Mood and remains Dissatisfaction. Journal Of Social& Clinical Psychology, 31(2), 105-122. Solomon, M. R., Ashmore, R. D., & Basil G., E. (1994). Beauty before the eyeball of Beholders The Cultural Encoding of Beauty Types in Magazine Advertising and medicinal drug Television. Journal Of Advertising, 23(2), 49-64.Bates, C. (2012, January 05). Mail online. Retrieved from http//

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